Archive | March 2021

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IN SPIRIT AND TRUTH (Palm Sunday 2021)

Reflecting this week on the events of that first Palm Sunday, and particularly the hollow praises of the majority of the people who witnessed Jesus’ so-called ‘Triumphal Entry’ into Jerusalem (Matthew 21:1-11), reminded me of another incident forever etched on my memory from my student days at Spurgeon’s College back in the 1960s. [NB. It […]

CUT LOOSE (Views from the Abbey 23)

Someone sent me a short film clip recently of a barn owl caught up in a barbed wire fence. Now, I love barn owls – perhaps it has something to do with living in rural Dorsetshire for five years, or perhaps it is their cute faces – although if I were a small vole or […]


One of the best illustrations of the progressive nature of temptation is found in the Jungle Doctor stories. The story in question is called ‘The Small Wisdom of Feeding Vultures’. ‘A small monkey called Tichi was once fascinated by the curves of the dangerous beaks of vultures. A vulture landed near Tichi in the family […]